Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Two Surprising Truths About Purity

 The gospel of Jesus Christ really is counter ... everything.
  • Counter-intuitive
  • Counter-cultural
  • Counter-logical
  • Counter-"religion"
That's why the kingdom of God has often been called the "upside down" kingdom. It turns all of our previously conceived notions, and long-held assumptions, on their head.

Nowhere is this more evident than in the area of purity.

Let me explain.

You see, many people have the mistaken notion that the essence of Christianity is being a good person. You know, following the rules. Being pure and holy.

Now, I'm all for following the rules (as opposed to breaking them). I am a big fan of goodness (and not badness). I deeply believe that we should all strive for purity and holiness (rather than depravity and wickedness).

But ... How? Why?

Yes, that's the rub. How do we pursue purity? Why do we pursue purity?

The gospel of Jesus provides two wonderful, surprising, and liberating truths:

Truth #1
The only way to be pure is to realize that you already are pure.

Truth #2
The only way to stay pure is to realize that you don't have to.

Don't believe me? Read what the apostle Paul wrote to Titus (in Titus 3. 4-8)...

But when the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to His own mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit, whom He poured out on us richly through Jesus Christ our Savior, so that being justified by His grace we might become heirs according to the hope of eternal life. The saying is trustworthy, and I want you to insist on these things, so that those who have believed in God may be careful to devote themselves to good works. Theses things are excellent and profitable for all people.

Did you notice the "so that" in verse 8? It's vital! Paul is communicating an amazing truth - once we understand what has been done to us in Christ, we are then equipped to live for Christ!

Another way to state it - a solid stand upon the doctrine of justification by faith (that is, that we are not saved by our good works, but only by the mercy of God and the perfect obedience of Christ) will, of necessity, lead to obedience.

That is why, at its core, the gospel of Jesus is NOT helpful advice BUT good news. It is about what God did for us in Christ, and not about what we do for God.

How does this lead to purity and holiness? Simple! The good news of salvation by grace through faith fuels the joy that empowers obedience. That's right! Understanding what God has done for us in Christ gives rise to a deepening love for God and a growing desire for holy living.
These affections, in turn, break the power of sin and energize us to (obedience) for the glory of God ... Transformed affections, in other words, lead to transformed morals and a life in which we abound in obedience. (Matt Perman, What's Best Next)
Understanding that, at this moment, you are perfectly and wholly accepted by God through Christ apart from (and despite) anything you have done should result in a radical desire for purity because of a renewed love for God and a joy in undeserved salvation.

Remember what Jesus said, "He who is forgiven little, loves little. But those who have been forgiven much, love much." (Luke 7. 47)

So ... how do you pursue purity?

First, understand that the way to be pure is to realize that you are already declared pure. You are washed clean in the sight of God. Though your sins were as scarlet, there are now white as snow. (Isaiah 1.18)

Second, understand that the way to stay pure is to realize you don't have to. You see, a true understanding of the gospel makes you excited for purity because you can pursue it freely, from the heart, rather than out of fear (of what might happen to you if you don't) or guilt (about what will happen to you when you don't).

The law drives us to the gospel, and the gospel frees us to obey the law. (The Gospel-Driven Life, World Harvest Mission)
Here's the wonder of amazing grace: gospel-driven Christians are enthusiastic Christians who are energetic to pursue purity not to gain acceptance with God but because they already have acceptance with God.

Now, since you have it, live it. With joyful freedom.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

The Danger of Discontent

NOTE: This post was written by my daughter, Kathryn. A sophomore in college, Kathryn is an example of a young woman who is eagerly pursuing Christ, honestly wrestling with the process, and deeply impacting others for Jesus. Kathryn, God has been re-creating in you a heart of grace, beauty, and contentment. I love you!

We all face it.

Whether walking around campus, wandering on Facebook, or being around friends, our hearts are discontent. We long for attention, affirmation, and admiration. You know what I mean – that one relationship that will solve all problems, and meet every dream.

But here’s our problem - even when we get "it", it's never enough. The attention is never enough. The flirting doesn't satisfy. The looks don't quench the longing. Nothing is ever enough. Admit it - we all have discontented hearts.

Should we just accept our condition, or can God actually change us? Are there ways to change? Can the gospel of Jesus transform us?

Here are 3 steps to transforming hearts of discontent:

1) Focus on the ultimate beauty

If you are like me, I often replace the idol of a relationship with another idol. I tell myself that instead of focusing on my singleness, I am going to focus on grades or friendships. And I convince myself that life will be better - my grades will be amazing! My friends will love me!

Sadly, though, substituting one idol for another never works. In fact, the Bible has a word for it - sin!

What you and I need is not another idol on which to pin our hopes, but a God who can satisfy our longings. We need Jesus. Relationships, grades, even friends—all will fail. Jesus will never fail.

Gaze on the beauty of the Lord. Seek him in his temple.
In the day of trouble, he will keep me safe. He will hide me in the shelter of his sacred tent and set me high on upon a rock.”
Psalm 37:5

It is only when we see ultimate beauty that we realize how worthless everything else is in comparison. It takes seeing the original painting to realize all of the others are just cheap imitations.

2) Trust in the ultimate strategist

“No good thing does He (the Lord) withhold.”
Psalm 84:11

The Lord’s timing, in the moment, never quite seems … on time. Here’s the question you need to face - Do you trust the Lord? Or do you want things your way?

When you feel discontented, it is tempting to feel like God is withholding good things. You know the feeling - as look through Facebook, every person is in a relationship, and every couple looks happy. It’s easy to think - did God forget me? Romans 8:32 reminds us of a refreshing truth…

“He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all,
how will he not also graciously give us all things.”
Romans 8. 32

God bankrupted heaven for you and me. Why would he be stingy now?

3) Rejoice in the ultimate freedom

If you’re anything like me, it is tempting to focus on what I don’t have rather than what I do have. Sadly, in my discontentment, I often look at things from the wrong angle. The key is not to focus on the “prison” of singleness, but on the freedom & opportunity of where God has me.

The apostle Paul has some insightful things to say about this…

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, 
and do not let yourselves be burdened again by the yoke of slavery.”
Galatians 5:1

“You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. 
But do not use your freedom to indulge in flesh; rather serve one another humbly in love.”
Galatians 5:13

Think about these things…

* How can you use the freedom that your season of singleness gives you?
* How can you use the time you have now to be an influence for the gospel?
* Where is the Lord calling you to invest right now?

God calls stubborn sinners with discontented hearts to impact the world. It is a great fight, but one well worth it.

There is no easy fix for a discontented heart. It requires constant repentance and falling at the foot of the cross. But, it doesn’t mean that we are moved to inaction. God uses sinners! Use your time of singleness! 

And rejoice! This time of your life is a good gift from a great God.